Inverness Highland Games are returning to the city this summer 200 years after they were first held.
This year’s games will take place on July 16 following a two-year hiatus as a result of the pandemic.
Bught Park will be the setting for a day of competitive events including the heavies, track and field athletics, pipes and drums and Highland dancing.
The Society of Northern Meeting first held the Highland Games in Inverness in 1822, meaning this year’s event marks their bi-centenary.
After making the “difficult decision” to cancel last year’s event, Inverness Highland Games Committee chairman Angus Dick said the group is “very excited” to see the games returning to the city.

He said: “We are very excited to be bringing back the Inverness Highland Games for such a special year in 2022.
“The games have always been a real highlight of the summer event season in Inverness, and we are all very much looking forward to welcoming back not only our local event partners, competitors and communities, but people from right across the world to the city’s Bught Park this July.”
Showcasing the best of Inverness and the Highlands
High Life Highland has been working closely with the Inverness Highland Games committee and the city’s events and festivals working group to plan this year’s event, which is funded by Inverness Common Good Fund.
Events manager Amy MacLeod explained that this year’s games would be an opportunity to showcase the best of the area following a difficult few years for the events sector.

“Over the years, Inverness has seen some fantastic Highland Games and despite this being an extremely challenging time of recovery for the event sector, we want 2022 to be no different,” she said.
“The day will provide us a fantastic opportunity to celebrate the very best Inverness and the wider Highlands has to offer.”
For information on trading, exhibiting and sponsorship opportunities at this year’s games, contact invernessevents@highlifehighland.com
Courtesy of Latest News and Sport Headlines from Inverness | Press and Journal