A police sergeant who has been left with a bite mark on his leg when an Inverness man bit his shin is to receive £1,200 in compensation from his attacker.
Dainis Letkovskis sank his teeth into the officer’s leg as he was being assisted into a police van.
Fiscal depute Pauline Gair told Inverness Sheriff Court that officers had been called to the 29-year-old’s home in Castlehill Drive, Inverness, on July 20 2023.
She said family members were concerned because he was being aggressive and they had to hold him down while they waited for the police to attend.
“The sergeant went into the van to get the accused in, but he sank his teeth into his shin,” she said.
“Officers had to use seven open-hand strikes to his head to get him to release his grip.
“The sergeant required hospital treatment and anti-tetanus treatment as the skin had been broken. His leg also had a full mouth bite mark.”
‘He wishes he could turn the clock back’
Letkovskis admitted assault to injury and permanent disfigurement.
His lawyer, Wille Young, told Sheriff Ian Cruickshank: “He suffers from depression and anxiety. He had lost his job and a pet had to be put down that day.
“He was in a dark place and took alcohol so he doesn’t remember much about this. He is extremely sorry and wishes he could turn the clock back.
“He also wishes to apologise to the officer concerned.”
Sheriff Cruickshank ordered Letkovskis to carry out 180 hours of unpaid community work as an alternative to jail as well as instructing the compensation payment at £100 a month.
He told Letkovskis: “This is a serious offence but you accepted responsibility at the first stage of biting the sergeant in the execution of his duty.
“You sank your teeth into his shin and did not release your grip for some time. The bite has left a full mouth impression and a scar.”
Courtesy of Latest News and Sport Headlines from Inverness | Press and Journal